kid alarm clock

who needs alarm clocks when you got kids? I swear. of course, who would set their alarm for 1:45, 5:30, and 6:30? Mia, that’s who.

Categorized as Home Life

Microsoft to discontinue making Microsoft Money   You know, I have mixed feelings. I use Money 2002, because the newest versions were way, too bloated with bells & whistles. (Plus I already had a license and I didn’t wanna pay any more, especially after trying the trial period of 2007.) I religiously put my data into Money, but it has… Continue reading Microsoft to discontinue making Microsoft Money

Distemper Rocked!

This weekend we not only had an awesome practice with our new bassist Matt Riehle, but we got a limo ride into town and a free dinner (Well, on Mark & Autumn!!) at the Lafayette Brewing Company! Unfortunately we all got sorta wasted, and practice went kinda downhill as time went on! Aargh! But we… Continue reading Distemper Rocked!

Categorized as Home Life

Life Update

Time to update the blog. I got a phone interview from a job I applied for in UIUC. A windows admin position. Keep your fingers crossed. Yes, it keeps me in academia, but I just don’t seem to have the momentum to springboard my house, my baby, AND my job all at the same time.… Continue reading Life Update

Categorized as Home Life

Condo Pics

Well, we signed a lease on a condo in Urbana / Champaign. May 20 is the magic start day of the lease; though her job doesn’t start till June 16. I suppose we may have jumped the gun, but honestly every other place we were looking at was just not nearly as good as this… Continue reading Condo Pics

Categorized as Home Life

The Car is PAID OFF!!!

Friday we got paid, and after making MANY extra payments, the Scion Xb is 100% PAID OFF!!! The next car we buy will be paid for in CASH. YES SIR!