Old railing is rickety and rotten.
an entire section is weird …
Probably for a hot tub that was never installed.
So I bought this lumber….
Began making Mortise & Tenon joints Using a Mortiseing tool
The big bit wouldn’t work; had to use a smaller one
and use a hammer & Chisel to make the Tenon part..
Thompson’s water seal on these puppies. they took me hours to make
Tore off all the old railing, installed a post in the corner & put the first 2 joists
Keep the old angled pieces or no..?
Here’s where it is
Added another joist…
..And got all of them installed finally
oops the floorboards are too short, I’ll need a filler piece perpendicular to the rest
got all the ends cut evenly
not done yet but done for the day