High Fructose Corn Syrup Hate Letter

While using the restroom, one is often at the mercy of the reading material within arm’s reach. Lately, it’s been “Parenting” magazine (Though a more apt title would be “Mom’s” magazine, as it is clearly marketed toward women).

So, as I perused this flimsy periodical, I find myself subjected to print ad versions of the very annoying “High Fructose Corn Syrup is Not Evil” ad campaign. My annoyance stuck with me, so I memorized the URL “sweetsurprise.com”. Here’s my Love Letter I fired off to them:

your ad campaign to de-villainize the proliferation of your product is pathetic. It only serves to underscore the bad reputation, and are insulting to my intelligence. I am quite aware that it is “Natural”, “Made from Corn” “Same as table sugar” in most respects, etc. THE PROBLEM IS THE PROLIFERATION OF YOUR SUGAR IN EVERYTHING. And instructing people to “not go back for thirds”? So, it’s the CUSTOMER’S FAULT that your product has proliferated so ubiquitously in the grocery store that I have to go out of my way to find products without it? You’re starting a marketing campaign to *counter* the marketing campaign created by the food companies! A person like me is simply going to see you all as the same entity anyway.

In conclusion, F*** You. Stop insulting my intelligence. Focus your monetary coffers toward other goals.

Categorized as Rants

By tungsai

Super Magic Dragon Ninja

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