
Hi folks. Well, my first week at UIUC was a bit rocky, because I got sick! Yes, poor little Mia and I both seem to have some sort of bad cold. Actually it involved fever, too, and some other symptoms I’d rather not mention… but Mia did not suffer from that. THe doctor says she has an ear infection, and she had a fever for about 3 days. We’ve been force feeding her penicillin and she’s still congested even today.

As for me, I missed work Wednesday and Thursday, which caused some I-9 problems. apparently your I-9 has to be filled out within 2 or 3 days of starting a new job, and mine basically wasn’t. THerefore, I think they’re going to have to move my start date back, so that I may not get paid for the first couple of days. Oh well. I was in no condition to be at the office.

On Friday, I was indoctrinated into an informal ritual called “Going to Joe’s for Lunch on Friday”. apparently, some of the CITES staff there have a special connection with this bar called Joe’s, and get big discounts on beer & liquor; namely, beers are $2.00 no matter WHAT. That includes Bass, Guiness, etc., and all the other expensive imports. Well, I thought this sounded interesting, so I tagged along. I determined that it’s not very easy to get much work done when I’m two beers to the wind.

Now, things are rolling along great… I installed MS Windows Vista on my workstation because I’m going to be working with some Server ’08 stuff and I want the full tools for that, and they’re only available on Vista. There are other advantages I suppose… but I had to remove 2g of RAM because Vista was BLUE SCREENING when attempting to INSTALL!! AARGH. Great OS, Microsoft.

By tungsai

Super Magic Dragon Ninja

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